Denture Cleaner Hacks

Those fizzy little tablets that grandpa added to the cup on his bathroom counter or nightstand at night…You wondered, you looked, you might’ve been grossed out! But did you know these effervescent little gems had so many other purposes around the house? They are powerful cleaners with the ability to clean grime and gunk out of tiny nooks and crannies and leaving things bright white and sparkling clean. In this time of COVID guidelines and worries, it certainly can’t hurt to have these extra cleaning tips.

1. The toilet

Place two or three denture tablets into the toilet bowl and leave them to dissolve. In 10-15 minutes, give the bowl a scrub and stains will come right off. Plus, most kids will think it’s cool, so you can add this chore to their list!

2. Coffee and tea stains

No matter how hard we scrub, coffee and tea stains tend to build up inside cups and mugs, leaving them looking filthy. Fill your stained cups with warm water and drop a tablet into each. Leave for 10-15 minutes and simply wipe clean with a cloth. Your cups will look like brand new

3. Narrow vases and jars

Vases, especially when they’re had fresh flowers in them, tend to build up a layer of smelly grime. Denture cleaning tablets are the perfect solution to those long, thin vases and jars that you just can’t reach down to scrub. Simply fill with warm water, drop in a tablet or two, and let it soak. The grime should come right off, and a scrub brush will move any that remains.

4. Toothbrush holders

Toothbrush holders are one of those things that are often overlooked when cleaning, which is terrible because your toothbrush of all things should be stored in a clean environment. Like skinny vases, many toothbrush holders are quite difficult to clean Put a little water in the bottom, and a tablet and leave to soak. Rinse and dry thoroughly. No more slime!

5. Unclog and freshen drains

A blocked or smelly drain can be rectified with a few denture tablets too. Break up three or four tablets and drop down the drain. Leave for an hour or so, and then rinse with hot water.

6. Remove baked on food

Revive your favorite casserole or baking dishes by dissolving a few denture tablets in hot water and leaving to soak. The hardened food should wipe right off!

7. Diamonds or white gold jewelry

The expensive tablets you buy at the jewelry store? Yep, dentures cleaner ingredient. Dissolve one tablet into a warm glass of water and drop your diamond ring or earrings into it and let it fizz. Leave for 30 minutes and then remove, rinse with cold water (for extra sparkles, use a small lash brush or old toothbrush to scrub before rinsing). Do not use on pearls or sterling silver!

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