Cooling Hacks For Summer

It’s hot out! Beat the heat with Chef Jill’s cooling hacks for summer.

1. DIY air-con

A couple of frozen water bottles or a large jug of ice in front of a desk fan will chill your room down in no time.

2. Eat spicy foods

If you’re feeling hot and bothered, add some spice to your food. The heat will make you sweat, lowering your body temperature.  ( I'll bring a crockpot recipe of spicy Thai or Indian food-tip/use crockpot in hot weather to keep the kitchen cool)

3. Chill your bed sheets

During a heatwave a chilled bed sheet can help keep you cool enough to sleep. Fold a cotton sheet, pop it in a resealable freezer bag, and place in the freezer. Just before you get into bed, take out the sheet and settle down for sleep.

4. DIY cooling face mist

Make your own cooling face mist and pop it in your bag so you can use it on the go. ( I'll bring and show recipe for easy one)

5. Cool down quickly

Run cold faucet water on the inside of your wrists where your pulse points are. This will quickly cool the bloodstream.

6. Drink more water

Add frozen berries, grapes or sliced melon to your water when you’re feeling the heat to encourage you to stay hydrated. bad news-alcohol raised blood pressure and causes us to feel hotter. 

7. Use a hot water bottle

Fill a hot water bottle with cold water and crushed ice cubes (use a thick plastic bag and a rolling pin to break them up). Place your cold water bottle by your feet or on the backs of your knees. If you're taking it to bed, just fill it up with cold water to avoid condensation.